High throughput quantitative ex vivo MRI of the mouse brain
Our team intends to design and make a device that holds murine brains in a space-efficient way to maximize scanning throughput, while also keeping tight orientations.
Project Overview
Dr. JP Yu’s lab currently takes Magnetic Resonance (MR) scans of murine brains by loading the samples into modified syringes. This method of imaging involves individually loading and processing each model separately which is inefficient and expensive.
Our team plans to streamline the process by working with the client to create MR-compatible 3-D loading capsules for murine brains which will hold the samples in the correct alignment for a scan and be able to fit more samples per scan than their current procedure permits. The capsules will be more efficient, both in terms of cost as well as research throughput. It will allow for more reproducible scientific methodology, it will be reusable, and the design will ensure the capsule is airtight and resistant to chemicals used during the process.
Team Picture


- PDS (December 15, 2022)
- Final Report (December 15, 2022)
- Final Poster Presentation (December 10, 2022)
- Preliminary Presentation (October 25, 2022)
- Preliminary Report (October 12, 2022)
- Information for BME Project of Designing a Holder for Brains for More Efficient Scanning (September 16, 2022)
Contact Information
Team Members
- Joel Nitz - Team Leader
- Erwin Cruz - Communicator
- Leonzio DiCataldo - BSAC
- Ray Steinlage - BWIG
- Allicia Moeller - Co-BPAG
- Anna Mercord - Co-BPAG
Advisor and Client
- Dr. Kris Saha - Advisor
- Dr. JP Yu - Client
Related Projects
- Spring 2023: High throughput quantitative ex vivo MRI of the mouse brain
- Fall 2022: High throughput quantitative ex vivo MRI of the mouse brain