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Checking the beat: validation of a novel deformable 3D-Printed heart model for radiotherapy applications

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This project aims to develop an anatomically correct 3D printed heart model using material resembling human heart tissues and reflecting the various densities of cardiac substructures for the purpose of radiation dosage testing.

Project Overview

Patients with thoracic cancer and ventricular tachycardia undergo radiotherapy (RT) to the cardiac region as a part of their treatment. Because the many tissues in the heart are varied, they each have unique thresholds for the dosage they can withstand during this therapy. When the treatment plan is made oftentimes only the hearts total threshold will be taken into account. This can lead to cardiotoxicity in the regions of the heart that have a lower dosage threshold, which can cause major issues in the function of the cardiac region. This project is focused on creating a complex heart model including computer simulation of the heart motion, in order to test new treatment techniques and radiation dose measurements. This semester an improved heart phantom will be printed. This model will incorporate materials which better simulate the tissues in the heart.

Team Picture

Left-to-right: Brynn Bauer, Grace Wilton, Zach Harmon, Lizzie Maly, Anna Balstad, Shai Biener
Left-to-right: Brynn Bauer, Grace Wilton, Zach Harmon, Lizzie Maly, Anna Balstad, Shai Biener

Contact Information

Team Members

  • Grace Wilton - Co-Team Leader
  • Lizzie Maly - Co-Team Leader
  • Anna Balstad - Communicator
  • Shai Biener - BSAC
  • Brynn Bauer - BWIG
  • Zach Harmon - BPAG

Advisor and Client

  • Prof. William Murphy - Advisor
  • Dr. Carri Glide-Hurst - Client
  • Mr. Ken Gregg - Alternate Contact

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